What The Z Generation Will Be Doing In The Metaverse.

Fred J Dreward
4 min readFeb 17, 2022
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Our generation has been shaped by the rise of technology and the internet. Now, we’re on the cusp of a new world — one that’s even more interactive and immersive than what we know now. With virtual reality headsets like Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard, VR is going to be a part of our daily lives in a different way. In fact, VR will create a whole new world for us to live in — the metaverse. If you’ve been wondering what life would be like in this new world, read on!

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a term coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash. The metaverse is an immersive, shared virtual space that’s sort of like the internet, but with more advanced technology. A lot of VR headsets are being developed to help us travel into the metaverse — something that will be possible for everyone to do in the future. It might seem weird at first, but it’s about time we find out what life will be like in this new dimension!

How can we get there?

Virtual Reality is the next big thing in technology. Google, for example, has invested $542 million into their new VR initiative. And with the success of Oculus Rift’s Kickstarter campaign last year — which raised $2,437,429 on a $250,000 goal — you know the demand for more immersive digital experiences is big.

But how do we get there? A lot of it comes down to content creation. If people don’t create content for these headsets, no one will use them. So it’s important that we get creative! There are already some amazing projects out there like Tilt Brush and Medium that allow people to create 3D art in virtual reality. We need more of these types of tools if we want to see VR go mainstream.

Another major component is our willingness to learn how to work with the new technology. It’s not like smartphones where you could pick up your phone and figure out how to use it in 10 minutes (not that there’s anything wrong with that). With VR becoming an integral part of our daily lives, we’ll have a bit more work cut out for us when it comes to learning the ins and outs — but it’ll be worth it! Imagine being able to hang out in a virtual world with your friends without leaving home…we’re going to live in a different world very soon!

The not-so-bad parts of the metaverse

Despite what you might think, there are some parts of the metaverse that will be good. It’ll be like living in an episode of Star Trek, where we can interact with people all over the world. With VR devices, we won’t even need to leave our homes to go on vacations or visit our favorite sights. Imagine being able to hang out with friends and family from all over the world without ever leaving your home!

We also won’t have to worry about spending time looking for parking spots when we want to go shopping — the virtual parking system will always have a spot open for us. And if we ever get sick of living in this new world, it’s not too late! Just put on a headset and take a break from reality.

The dangers of the metaverse

The metaverse is a new frontier that will be full of dangers. You may think that this is a great thing, but it’s worth noting that the digital world only has the laws and limitations of the physical world. Just because you can do something in the virtual world doesn’t mean you can get away with it in real life.

For example, if someone wanted to steal your identity in the metaverse, they could dig up information on you by using a search engine to find out your birthday and birthplace. They could then create a false account in your name and use it for criminal purposes or to do things that would ruin your reputation. This is just one of many dangers lurking in the metaverse — there are many more just waiting to happen.


For some people, living in a virtual world may seem like the ideal dream. For others, it may sound like a nightmare. But what will life be like for the Z Generation?

Imagine a virtual world where you do not need to worry about the consequences of your actions. You can live on a beach all day or live in a mansion all day, but never have to worry about the consequences of your actions. What will the Z Generation be up to?

To help answer that question, let’s take a look at what the X Generation has been up to. The X Generation has been living in a time where they are almost forced to have multiple jobs just to make ends meet. They are also starting families later in life, have less time to enjoy themselves, and are often weighed down by debt.

The X Generation has been adapting to the digital era with mixed feelings. The Z Generation will have no choice but to adapt or risk being left behind. The Z Generation will have to learn how to navigate the virtual world without succumbing to its dangers.



Fred J Dreward

I trade in free time. I’m a senior developer and web3 developer, and I also love music